Aureliano Amadei
"20 sigarette" tells the harrowing story of a young filmmaker who reluctantly agrees to go to Iraq to shoot a documentary and finds himself caught in a deadly explosion just moments after arriving. The film provides a powerful and personal account of the impact of war, trauma, and survival. It was highly acclaimed for its raw and realistic portrayal of the events, winning several awards, including the Controcampo Italiano Prize at the Venice Film Festival.
Amadei's work on "20 sigarette" not only brought him recognition as a filmmaker but also highlighted the psychological and emotional aftermath of war, making it a significant contribution to Italian cinema and war narratives.
Raoul Bova
Ultima gara is a 2021 film directed by Raoul Bova and Marco Renda. The story follows Raoul Bova, a former professional swimmer turned actor, who, alongside three other ex-swimming champions—Massimiliano Rosolino, Filippo Magnini, and Emiliano Brembilla—decides to return to the pool for one last competition. The film explores the emotional and physical challenges they face as they confront their past, deal with life's difficulties, and search for new meaning beyond their athletic careers. Ultima gara is a heartfelt story about friendship, resilience, and self-discovery.
Mimmo Calopresti
Calopresti utilizza il film per mettere in luce come lo sport possa essere un veicolo di cambiamento sociale e come figure come Sócrates possano influenzare non solo il campo da gioco, ma anche la società nel suo complesso. Attraverso il racconto della vita e delle idee di Sócrates, il documentario invita a riflettere sul ruolo dell'intellettuale e dell'atleta nella lotta per i diritti e la giustizia sociale.
"Uno di noi" è un'opera che unisce cinema e sport in un ritratto potente e significativo, evidenziando come il calcio, spesso visto solo come intrattenimento, possa essere un mezzo per discutere di temi importanti come la libertà, la democrazia e l'impegno politico.